He is an writor living in New York in an apartment in Manhattan with his wife and small daughter.
Colin Beavan decides to make no more environmental impact in his life and life of his family for one year.
It means eating vegetarian, buying only local food, and turning off the refrigerator. It also means no elevator, no television, no cars, busses, or airplanes, no toxic cleaning products, no electricity, no material consumption and no garbage.
The PHILOSOPHY of this video is that when a mobile phone is broken, we have to throw it away. But is it necessary? Usually, the majority of discarded phones have only one faulty component that is nearly impossible to replace/repair.
Dave Hakkens came up with the excellent idea. Phoneblok is made of detachable BLOKS. The bloks ( parts of the phone) are connected to the base which locks everything together into a solid phone. If a blok ( one part) breaks you can easily REPLACE it; if it's getting old just upgrade.
Phoneblocks can REDUCE cellular phone WASTE by as much as 90%.
Your own ARRANGEMENT of bloks
Do you like this IDEA?!
Give support so the phonebloks can be real and not just a idea! Support it here
Clean Up the World engages an estimated 35 MILLION volunteers in 130 countries each year, making it one of the largest community based ENVIRONMENTAL campaigns in the world.
By facilitating local action, Clean Up the World brings about GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE.
Everything started by creating Clean Up Australian Dayin 1989 in Sydney. The idea was cretated by Australian builder and solo yachtsman Ian Kiernan. As he sailed through the oceans of the world in his yacht 'Spirit of Sydney' he was shocked and disgusted by the POLLUTION and RUBISH that he continually encountered in areas such as the Sargasso Sea in the Caribbean. Therefore he decided to ACT.
Clean Up Sydney Harbour Day in 1989 received an ENORMOUS public response with MORE than 40,000 Sydneysiders donating their time and energy to clean up the harbour.
Do you have any idea what is going on in FOOD INDUSTRY? How is our MEAT produced? What´s wrong with what we EAT? ... You don´t know? Or You have just a little idea? ...
Well, today, I would like to introduce you 6-minute-short- VIDEO, which shows us current situation in commercial farming. It shows us how this culture have come so far from what it means to BE HUMAN.
It is ugly, devastating, disgusting and inhuman.
The video starts with a ROBOTIC device which gathers up the chickens in one of the most in-humane ways possible. These chickens have no place to move, will suffer unmeasurable pain going through this device and then into drawers where they wait for the next phase.
People inside of meat factory have to work as fast as possible for keeping the slogan: FAST FOOD.....probably.....
Sows are put into the cage where is NO possibility to MOVE. This is the way how they SHOULD feed little piggies. In the world of commercial farming...
The question is: WHO is responsible for it? Everybody who supports commercial farming by pleasing their own needs. BUT....
The Goldman Environmental Prize is a prize awarded every year to ENVIRONMENTAL activists, one from each of the world's six geographic regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Islands and Island Nations, North America, and South and Central America. The Goldman Environmental Prize was established in 1990.
It is a green EQUIVALENT to....
RICHARD and RHODA GOLDMAN( in the middle with the first group of Goldman Prize recipients) established the Goldman Environmental Prize, the first and largest award in the world for grassroots environmentalists.
Richard Goldman’s inspiration for launching an environmental prize emerged one morning over breakfast as he was reading about the NOBEL PRIZE winners. He wondered whether there was anything comparable that recognized ordinary people for their contributions to the environment. Research revealed that there was not. Always eager to tackle uncharted territory, Richard and his wife Rhoda began laying the groundwork in 1989 for the Goldman Environmental Prize.