Do you have any idea what is going on in FOOD INDUSTRY? How is our MEAT produced? What´s wrong with what we EAT? ... You don´t know? Or You have just a little idea? ...
Well, today, I would like to introduce you 6-minute-short- VIDEO, which shows us current situation in commercial farming. It shows us how this culture have come so far from what it means to BE HUMAN.
It is ugly, devastating, disgusting and inhuman.
The video starts with a ROBOTIC device which gathers up the chickens in one of the most in-humane ways possible. These chickens have no place to move, will suffer unmeasurable pain going through this device and then into drawers where they wait for the next phase.

People inside of meat factory have to work as fast as possible for keeping the slogan: FAST FOOD.....probably.....

Sows are put into the cage where is NO possibility to MOVE. This is the way how they SHOULD feed little piggies. In the world of commercial farming...

The question is: WHO is responsible for it? Everybody who supports commercial farming by pleasing their own needs. BUT....

...Is this THE NEED?

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