Thursday, June 12, 2014

Inhuman Treatment Of Dolphins

Are Dolphins Always Happy? 
Watch this video and think about human behaviour...

 A lot of people think animals are meant to be eaten. I don´t share such an opinion but everybody lives the life she/ he wants to live. It´s up to every person how he/she feels if doing it. I am not here to persuade you to stop eating meat, it would be a tough task to persuade everybody, wouldn't be? The only thing we want people to think about is if the animal is used as food, it has not necessarily mean people are entitled to cause them pain, to treat them badly, to compensate human power over the animals.

The way some people act, is horrifying and disgusting.The sound of dying dolphins, which are treated cruelly by humans, causes goosebumps over all body.

The evidence that it really is an issue, is the murder of an animal right activist in 2003, Jane Tipson, who was very active in many campaigns against captive whale and dolphin activities.

Of course, you can think you can´t do anything about such a situation. You are WRONG. The first step to create a better world, is to START with YOURSELF. Small powerful pieces always make a solid unit.

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                                                                     sign the PETITION to STOP this slaughter.


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